Sliki 3

Area Kokuritu (Sep.03)


(the National Inter-College Athletic Championship

lovely sunny day

as I had time, I went to The Japanese Inter-College Championship)Due to yesterday's workI was suffering from lunbagoiTT

It was about 20mins. to the stadium. After passing our county's gim,he heat festival was there


The staffs waiting with tickets for OBs

14: 301000yen (10USD) to get in...skapo(expensive)...(TT What is more, the ticket can does not allow to get in againj

the crimzon battlefield of 400m... passions of elete atheletes from all over Japan

...The world I love most


The Challengers


The Preparers


The prayers


the stadium locates in the very central of Tokyo



runners goes like the wind with wings

The deadheat

well done


18:06...everything is melting into twilight


